Simple and yet versatile system configuration over digital triax
The highly compact 1.5 RU-size HSCU-300R Camera Control Unit creates a standardised 19-inch rack system that is ideal for space-limited production areas. When the blank front panel of the HSCU-300R is replaced with the optional CCU Front Control Panel HKCU-FP2, a simple remote control system can be configured. Many functions of the camera can be controlled by the control knobs and switches on the HKCU-FP2.
Multiple camera control
Furthermore, when the optional HZCU-MC3 camera operating software is installed, the HSCU-300R allows the HSC-300R or the HSC-100R to be controlled by an MSU-1000/1500 Master Setup Unit or RCP-1000 series Remote Control Unit, enabling the camera to be used as a simple studio system or as part of a large-scale broadcasting system consisting of multiple cameras.