
2-3 Pulldown board for HDCAM recorders
Image of the following product: HKDW-104


An optional board for HDW-D1800/1800 HDCAM VTRs

Adds the ability to output converted 720P signals (playing back 1080i material), and the 2-3 pull-down capability (enables 23.98PsF/24PsF material to be output as 59.94i signals).

Outputs converted 720P signals when playing back 1080i material

2-3 pull-down capability that enables 23.98PsF/24PsF material to be output as 59.94i signals.


Outputs converted 720P signals when playing back 1080i material

2-3 pull-down capability that enables 23.98PsF/24PsF material to be output as 59.94i signals.