
SRMASTER Portable Recorder for Cameras with HD-SDI Interface
Image of the following product: SR-R1


The SR-R1 is a highly portable recording system compatible with any camera, camcorder, and other equipment with an HD-SDI interface, including the PMW-F3, F35 and SRW-9000PL. Dual-link HD-SDI/3G-SDI is supported to provide stunning recording capabilities including 1080 50P/60P and RGB 4:4:4 recording. This system also offers a dual-stream recording capability, which is useful for 3D stereoscopic image capturing. SR-Lite (220 Mbps) and SR-SQ (440 Mbps) are supported as standard


HDCAM SR Recording and Replay

The SR-R1 records the same picture quality that has made HDCAM SR the worldwide reference for ultimate quality. SR-Lite (220 Mbps) , SR-SQ (440 Mbps) and SR-HQ (8880Mbps) are supported.

3D and 2D 4:2:2 and RGB 4:4:4 Recording

The SR-R1 records 4:2:2/RGB 4:4:4 2D and 3D with 3D stereoscopic (dual-stream) mode.

Multiple Frame Rate Recordings

The SR-R1 is able to record multiple frame rates working with the PMW-F3 Camera – 17 to 60 FPS in 4:2:2, 17 to 30 FPS in RGB.

Frame Accurate Recording with SxS Card and SRMemory simultaneously

Operating with the PMW-F3 Camera, the SR-R1 is able to make frame accurate recordings on both the SxS Card and SRMemory Card.

16 Channels 24-bit Uncompressed Audio

RS-422 Remote Control

Timecode In/Out

Records RGB S-Log from F35, SRW-9000PL and PMW-F3

Dockable style operation with Sony camcorders (via optional adaptor)

DC operation and control panel
