24P record and playback software option key for PDW-700
Image of the following product: CBKZ-FC02


24P (23.98P) record and playback software for the PDW-700 XDCAM HD422 camcorder

The Sony CBKZ-FC02 is 24P option for the PDW-700 XDCAM HD422 broadcast camcorder. With this software, the camera is able to produce and record images with a 24p film-like look, in both SD and HD resolutions. The software key enables the PDW-700 to record and playback 24P (23.98P) signals.

Extends the capabilities of the PDW-700

Allows the record and playback 24P (23.98P) signals.


Extends the capabilities of the PDW-700

Allows the record and playback 24P (23.98P) signals.