Interconnection adaptor for HDC-2500 Series cameras
Image of the following product: HKC-CN20


Allows HDC-2500 Series system cameras to receive exchangeable side panel HKC-FB20 or HKC-TR20

The HKC-CN20 is an internal attachment kit for HDC-2500 series cameras to receive exchangeable side panel. The HKC-FB20 allows the camera to benefit from fibre transmission, while the HKC-TR20 allows the camera to use triax transmission. The HKC-CN20 fits both side panels securely to the camera.

Provides fibre or triax transmission options

Operates with the HKC-FB20 or HKC-TR20 side panels.


Allows HDC-2500 Series system cameras to operate with fibre or triax transmission

Operates with the HKC-FB20 or HKC-TR20 side panels.