7-day software license for shooting 24-25PsF with HDC system cameras
Image du produit suivant : HZC-PSF20W


Les contrats de licence du logiciel à la demande des caméras système de la série HDC offrent aux utilisateurs une plus grande flexibilité et une réduction importante des coûts

The HZC-PSF20W is a 7-day software license for shooting at 24-25Psf with HDC-1700, HDC-2400 and HDC-2570F system cameras. The HZC-PSF20W is one of a series of software licenses available for the cameras. Alternative licenses for the same functions are the HZC-PSF20M 30-day license and the HZC-PSF20 permanent license. The licenses give you a high level of flexibility to purchase the equipment you want, when you want it, with the confidence your camera is future-proofed for changing demands.

Plus de flexibilité et d'économies dans la gestion de vos besoins en équipements

7-day software license for shooting at 24-25Psf with HDC-1700, HDC-2400 and HDC-2570F system cameras.

Une des nombreuses licences logicielles disponibles

The HZC-PSF20M 30-day license and the HZC-PSF20 permanent license are also available, offering the same functionality.

Clé d'activation pour les logiciels pré-installés.


24-25PsF image capture for HDC system cameras

The HZC-PSF20W is a 7-day software license for shooting at 24-25Psf with HDC-1700, HDC-2400 and HDC-2570F system cameras.