Engaging communities through the power of media
As experts in content creation, management and distribution, at Sony we believe in the unique power of images to share ideas, shape opinions and deliver lasting change. We express this through our support for The Rory Peck Trust and BBC Media Action: two organisations that provide a platform for journalists and film-makers to connect with audiences and highlight a wide range of social issues through the power of media.
Sony and The Rory Peck Trust
Sony is immensely proud to support the work of the Rory Peck Trust, an association that’s now in its twentieth year. Working globally with a network of international and local partners, the Trust is the only organisation dedicated to the support, safety and welfare of freelance news gatherers around the world.
Rory Peck Trust Sony Impact Award
Winners of this year’s Sony Impact Award for Current Affairs at the Rory Peck Awards 2018 were award-winning documentary film director Deeyah Khan & Emmy award-winning documentary film producer Darin Prindle, whose film White Right: Meeting the Enemy explores the ideologies behind alt-right organisations in the USA.
I think the camera has the potential to create social change, to change people’s minds to change people’s hearts. So yes, I absolutely believe that social change and social impact can happen through film making.
Deeyah Kan
Winner, Rory Peck Trust Sony Impact award 2018
Sony and BBC Media Action
In 2018, Sony Professional confirmed its long-term cooperation with BBC Media Action, the BBC’s international development charity that harnesses the power of media and communications to help reduce poverty, improve health and improve the response to humanitarian crises.
BBC Media Action
Technology is both an enabler and an amplifier. Through the unique power of images, journalists and documentary makers can bring the world’s attention to stories that would otherwise remain untold.
Stuart Almond
Head of Marketing and Communications, Sony Professional Europe